Thursday, May 31, 2012

Pure Meaning

Can you erase the paths that've been written?
Can words ever express true meaning?
When words are not enough
    We ask for more words
And as more are spoken
    We become even more confused.
Interwoven in perceptions and misperceptions
Bound by preconceived notions
That our subconscious refuses to abandon.
Restricted by the chains of societies norms
Locked by our own fears
Enslaved by uncontrollable emotions

Can our hearts receive true communication?
And if so, can our minds conceive of what was once hidden?


Sunday, May 27, 2012


But they were just kidding...
They didn't mean the things they said,
They didn't give the looks they gave,
They didn't dig the grave they made.
Those cold words, menacing glares,
Those evil eyes.
They, were just kidding.

Those words will never hurt me,
But the thoughts will rot inside,
Will eat me for eternity,
And swallow me alive.
They never seem to wonder,
Or even seem to care,
Inside my heart is broken,
The monster will appear.

The Storm

Why do storms, seem to come at night?
And why must they, induce such fright?
The winds do make the shutters growl,
While lightening makes the wolves howl.
Little kids are left to weep,
Instead of enjoying a peaceful sleep.
How the ice makes such indecent hail,
Which leaves frightened faces, to turn pale.
Against the windows, the rain does gust!
Until the morning, leaves the dusk.
And out they looked upon the land,
Which had converted, back to sand.
How, oh how, the women ball,
As men so sad, look on appalled.
That silent creepy fall of night,
And how it does, induce such fright.